"Some Men Must Die" is a feature-length dance film partly based on the physical theatre production of the same name from 2015 by Swiss theatre director Thomas Mettler. The film's theme is the Ukrainian war, which stands exemplary for military conflicts all over the world. The great challenge in the development of the stage play "Some Men Must Die", which premiered at the GOGOL-Fest 2015 in Kiev, was from the very beginning on the transposition of acts and effects of war into contemporary dance and Physical Theatre. This artistic work, together with the found forms of expression, is central in the film, which is to be premiered in cinemas in 2020. Visit the projects Website: Some Men Must Die An empty theatre, a big wall in the rear. We hear music, faint voices - an invisbile Party seems to be going on behind this great obstcale. Angry rumbling against the bricks mixes in, dusty people stumble onto the stage: Why does the party always take place without us?! A funny, tragical and poetic journey begins... Thomas Mettlers newest creation for the Repertoire of the Ivan Franko National Academic Drama Theatre in Kiev draws loosely on Mrozek's "La Fête" and Pirandello's "Sei personaggi in cerca d'autore" and is inspired by the work of the French choreographer Maguy Marin. It is a story about people in the No man's land between late and present Ukraine, a fragmented land, a country at war. Premiered on December 17th, 2019. Further performances till April 2020! Check out performance dates on the theatre's official website HERE. Visit the projects Facebook-Site with daily updates. Thomas Mettler compiled a new solo in collaboration/ with three sculptures from Swiss artist Pascal Murer. Together with the two musicians from Prag, Irena and Voijtech Havlovi, the music score for the evening length piece was finished in March 2015 during a 1-month-Residency in Switzerland. This score was also used in a short film which was shot in September 2016. T r a n s i t i o premiered in October 2018 in Lugano/ Switzerland, see program. Click here to see photos or here to watch videos! Currently on tour! For next performances go to Agenda. "Some Men Must Die" is a piece of Physical Theatre where dancers and actors from Switzerland and England meet with dancers and actors from Ukraine to share their questions about the role of "men" and how it comes that some men die and others live... With dark humour and physical openness they dance scenes from the archaic shout of an archetype man to the last breath of a dying one - searching answers on questions like: What is a real man? See photos "Truly Yours" is the title of Thomas Mettler's new full-length dance and physical theatre project. For this international production Mettler (CH) gathered in Barcelona and around his dear old friend and collaborator Jordi Cortés (ESP) an international group of dancers mixed with actors. After an original idea and led by Thomas Mettler, the new Improvisation Collective sets together out on an intensive journey with various research meetings over several years to perform together 'A night of Improv'. For the ensemble work of "Truly Yours", Thomas Mettler and Jordi Cortés have brought together an international male cast of outstanding performers, dancers and actors, from Spain, Switzerland, Italy and Ukraine. Together the group sallies out on international residencies and research/ rehearsals periods in which the dancers not only work but also live together and share between each other their personal background & life-stories for their physical theatre commitment on stage. Have a look at the photos of the different performances in 2017, 2018 & 2019!Some Men Must Die - Motion Picture
Stina - The Wall
t r a n s i t i o
Some Men Must Die - Stage Play
What men deserve to die?
What is a good reason to die for?
Does one die when love dies?
How to live facing death?
How many times must a man die to become a man?
Can you laugh at death?
How ridiculous can a man be?Truly yours