Past Projects

Truly Yours

Centre Civic Barceloneta, Barcelona

with Jordi Cortés (E), Oleksi Busko (UKR), Thomas Mettler (CH), Gabriel Obergfell (CH), Fernando Sanchez Santos (E), Jaume Girbau Baquero (E), Inigo Martinez (E), Lorenzo Massa (I), Miguel Anchel Puy Carrion (E), Antonio Moreno (E), Xavier Duacastilla Soler (E).

Learn more about the project

Coming Together

Dnepr/ Ukraine

A Performance led by Thomas Mettler (Switzerland) and organized by Tamara Maksimenko (MMDT / Dnepr).

The premiere took place on November 2 in Dnepr, Ukraine, in the museum “Literary Pridniprovye” where professional dancers, actors, performers, cultural figures from all over Ukraine took part. Live music accompanied by: violins, Stanislav Drozdov and vocals (folk singing), Natalia Khomenko (Kiev).

Truly Yours

La Caldera / Barcelona

with Jordi Cortés (E), Oleksi Busko (UKR), Thomas Mettler (CH), Gabriel Obergfell (CH), Fernando Sanchez Santos (E), Jaume Girbau Baquero (E), Inigo Martinez (E), Lorenzo Massa (I), Miguel Anchel Puy Carrion (E), Ivan Zavertaliuk (URK), Antonio Moreno (E).

Learn more about the project

Il corpo tra
tensioni e fluidità

Festival Danza Estate, Bergamo

28a edizione in collaborazione con il
Museo Bernareggi, Bergamo/ Italy
Performance di danza e arti visive - a cura di Simone Moretti e Francesaca Parisi.

Danzatori: Linda Bufali, Natasha Belsito, Claudia Broggi, Marcella Carrara, Cristina Crippa, Andrea Decrescenzo, Mario Ghezzi, Vanessa Grasse, Alex Guex, Simone Magnani, Serena Marossi, Riccardo Meneghini, Thomas Mettler, Simone Moretti, Francesca Romano


in Borsovice / CZ Republic

JAKO MOTYL NA TVE DLANI - Like a Butterfly on the Palm of your Hand

Improvisation-performances with musicians
Vojtà and Irena Havlovi

7.3.2016 Prag / CZ
10.3.2016 Nové město na Moravě / CZ
12.3.2016 Boskovice / CZ
13.3.2016 Odranec / CZ
15.3.2016 Brno / CZ
16.3.2016 Hodonín / CZ


Gogol Fest 2015, Kiev

after an original idea / directed by: Thomas Mettler

"Some Men Must Die" is a piece of Physical Theatre where dancers and actors from Switzerland and England meet with dancers and actors from Ukraine to share their questions about the role of "men" and how it comes that some men die and others live...

With dark humour and physical openness they dance scenes from the archaic shout of an archetype man to the last breath of a dying one - searching answers on questions like:
What is a real man?
What men deserve to die?
What is a good reason to die for?
Does one die when love dies?
How to live facing death?
How many times must a man die to become a man?
Can you laugh at death?
How ridiculous can a man be?

See photos or watch the video of the perfomance.

When We Meet

Prague / Czech Republic

with Zita Pavlistova and Thomas Mettler

This dance improv project 'When We Meet' with Zita Pavlistova was first shown (Première) in Prag during spring 2014 and was shown three times (in 2014 and 2015) as an ongoing collaboration between Prague and Locarno.

Incontro III

Papalani Theatre, Barcelona

Duett with Dani Pedrero (ESP)

3rd edition of the dance series project "Incontro".

Incontro II

Research, Camedo (CH)

2nd edition of the dance series project "Incontro"with Dan Watson (UK).

Das süsse
Gift 'Liebe'

i.e. Outokumpu (FIN), Kempten (D)

Nach «5 Men Dance» und 5 Jahren Tanz mit Männern hatte ich grosse Lust, ein direkt an diese Idee anschliessendes Folgeprojekt entstehen und wachsen zu lassen: "Von Männern und Frauen" startete als Impro-Kollektiv und erarbeitete bis 2011 das abendfüllende, choreographierte Tanz- und Physical-Theatre-Stück "Das süsse Gift LIEBE" unter der Regie von Thomas Mettler.

Ehrlich. Persönlich. Emotional. Wild und ruhig. Laut und stumm. Ganz und gar.

Idee / Künstlerische Leitung: Thomas Mettler

Research and Premiere:
Theater of North Karelia University, OUTOKUMPU, FINLAND in August 2011

10.10.11, 20.30, Teatro Dimitri,
Verscio (CH)
16.10.11, 20.00, Theater La Fourmi,
Luzern (CH)
18.10.11, 20.00, Theater in Kempten,
Kempten (D)

About Men
and Women

in Biel/ Bienne (CH)

Two one-hour studio performances of the collectives improvisation research in Bienne and Lucerne.

Incontro I
with Astad Deboo

i.e. Teatro Dimitri, Verscio (CH)

Zwei Männer, zwei Kulturen, zwei Kontinente treffen aufeinander, umschwirren sich, spielen, tanzen.

Due uomini, due culture, due continenti che si incontrano, che si ronzano intorno, giocano e ballano.

Deutschlandpremiere am 10. Kemptener Tanzherbst am 22.10.2010, Theater in Kempten, Kempten i.A.

Un duo di danza con il "padre della Danza Contemporanea in India" Astad Deboo nel Teatro Dimitri il 26.10.2010.

5 Men Dancing –
a night of Improv

Roland Levinsky Building, Plymouth

5 Men were:
Jordi Cortés (ES), Adam Benjamin (GB), Thomas Mettler (CH), Rick Nodine (USA), Christian Panouillot (F), Dan Watson (GB).

5 Men Dancing –
a night of Improv

17. International TanzFestival Freiburg

Every time this night of dance is created expressly out of the synergy of events, ideas, accidents and occurrences of this particular evening.

5 Men were:
Chris Aiken (USA), Thomas Mettler (CH), Rocco Schelleter (D), Christian Panouillot (F), Dan Watson (GB). Lightning Gareth Green (GB),
Sound and music: Sven Martin Kunze (D)

Press review
Badische Zeitung, 24 October 2009

Adieu –
point de départ

Port de Bastia (F)

Création d’une Pièce déambulatoire de Physical Theatre / danse qui se joue au port de Bastia.

L’exil et la séparation, le départ et le retour, la tolérance et la rencontre, la mémoire et l’héritage, la frontière géographique et culturelle … autant de thématiques qui s’ancrent profondément dans l’insularité de chacun.

Une piece d’une intense corporalité nourrie de vérités personnelles, intimes et profondes, des tableaux de groupe, des mouvements de corps, des gestes significatifs, des témoignages personnels, des textes, des scènes théâtrales et des sonorités inédites invitent le public à voyager, du bord de mer au cœur de la vieille ville.

Mise en scène / Dir. Artistique : Thomas Mettler

5 Men Dancing –
a night of Improv

The Place, London

at «Spring Loaded», The Place, London and the «Peninsula Arts» Theatre 1, Plymouth.

With a fierce commitment to pure improvisation without script or structure,
5 Men are wild, edgy and humorous and herald an openess to emotional risk rarely seen on the stage.

Every time the night of dance is created expressly out of the synergy of events, ideas, accidents and occurrences of this particular evening.

5 Men were:
Adam Benjamin, Thomas Mettler, Rick Nodine, Christian Panouillot, Dan Watson.

Surprise guests:
Andrew Morrish and Sarah Rake (voice).

… à voir -
un duo dansé

à Genève et Lausanne (CH)

Un duo dansé pour le visible et l’invisible.

Une rencontre entre un danseur – une danseuse – nonvoyante – voyant

Sylvie Raphoz et Thomas Mettler

Thomas Mettler.


Choreography for StopGap Company

With music ranging from Tarantino-esque soundscapes, intense driving beats and even a Spanish lament (to a dead dog) – Portfolio Collection is a dance banquet of serene chaos, sinister loveliness and shocking beauty.

A rich selection of contemporary dance by some of the best choreographers from the UK and the rest of the World. Portfolio Collection is made up of 9 separate dance pieces, each lasting about 10 minutes, presented by StopGAP's resident professional dancers who showcase their strong dance technique, injected with a healthy dose of humour and buckets of charisma. Along with intense music, rich lighting and a charged atmosphere, you can be sure of an outstanding, thrilling and dramatic evening that won't be forgotten.

Hofesh Shechter, Gary Clarke, Thomas Mettler, Nathalie Pernette, Robert Tannion, Dan Watson, Lucy Bennett and Chris Pavia

Chris Pavia, Laura Jones, Dan Watson, Lucy Bennett

Read more about the Project


Dampfzentrale, Bern (CH)

Improvisationskollektiv von TänzerInnen mit auffälligen Körperlichkeiten aus der Schweiz, Italien und Frankreich; in Zusammenarbeit mit Beweggrund Bern (Integrativer Tanz).

Künstlerische Leitung / nach einer Idee von:
Thomas Mettler

Leticia Cherbuin (CH), Andrea Emmenegger (CH), Armando Guastella (I), Thomas Mettler (CH), Christian Panouillot (FR), Andreas Schmutz (CH), Susanne Schneider (CH)

5 Men Dancing –
a night of Improv

Movingartbase, London

with new constellation:

5 men were: Adam Benjamin, Seke Chimutengwende, Thomas Mettler,
Rick Nodine, Christian Panouillot


Dampfzentrale, Bern (CH)

A Physical Theatre Project with 17 actors and dancers from 7 nations:

Frédéric Arp (F), Sophie Agussol (F), Alexia Beziki (GR), Eric Ellul (F), Eunice Gonçalves Duarte (P), Armando Guastella (I), Dimitra Kritikidi (GR), Thomas Mettler (CH), Yorgos Nassios (GR), Simos Patieridis (GR), Raffael de Riedmatten (CH), Suzanne Robert (F), Xenia Themeli (GR), Nelly Uzan (CH), Gertjan van Gennip (NL), Julien Vittecoq (F), Stella Zanou (GR).

Idee/Leitung/Regie: Thomas Mettler

17 people coming from seven different nations and cultures, ages between 23 and 60, men and women, mothers and daughters, fathers and sons, a large family in a huge world, hoping it to be huge enough to contain all the DIFFERENCES and CONTRADICTIONS. Such as the ones of life and death. Unique human beings in a dance-theatre play about useless borders – trying to step over, to erase them. Together. To be together. To belong together. And maybe at the same moment to begin to understand something about life and death.

Mann tanzt
Frau tanzt

Kongresshalle Böblingen (D)

Was heisst Mann sein? Was heisst Frau sein? Vier Tänzerinnen und fünf Tänzer geben ihre sehr persönliche Antwort in einer Video-Tanz-Performance
Sonja Santiago, Christine Chu, Ruth Rubio, N.N.; Thomas Mettler, Tejo Janssen, Eric Gauthier, Boris Nahalka,
Lior Lev.

4th. friends from
out of town

Dampfzentrale Bern (CH)

with Adam Benjamin (GB), Jordi Cortés Molina (E), Chris Lechner (GB), Rick Nodine (USA/GB), Christos Strinopoulos (GR), Thomas Mettler (CH).


Dampfzenrale Bern (CH)

a Dance Improvisation by Thomas Mettler and Chris Lechner, around the "balancing stones" of David Stricker at Theater "Dampfzentrale Bern"

... some nights they stand
... some nights they fall
we dance.

idea / concept:
Thomas Mettler

live soundscape:
Andreas Schmutz

Chris Lechner and Thomas Mettler


Attakkalari Bangalore Biennal, India

Touring to India / Creation of a 2nd version of «Mann Tanzt» in a 2weeks-residency in India with new members, new videos shot in India, new video and light-artists for the festival «Attakalari Bangalore Biennal 2004»

Project initiated by Lior Lev (ISR) in collaboraton with Chris Lechner (D), Thomas Mettler (CH), Christos Strinopoulos (GR).


Tanz-Werkstatt, Ludwigsburg

Eine Produktion in Zusammenarbeit mit der Tanz- und Theater Werkstatt Ludwigsburg (D)

Idee, Inszenierung: Lior Lev

Mit: Eric Gauthier, Tejo Janssen, Chris Lechner, Lior Lev, Thomas Mettler

Video-artist: Reinhard Lorenz


Reitschule Bern (CH)

Eine Lebensgeschichte in der Weltgeschichte. Theater! Wo sind wir und was wird gespielt? Realität und Vision vielleicht, oder anders: Kunst und Alltag! Es ist ein Stück über viele und vieles, über Theater im Allgemeinen und das Leben im Besonderen, es betrifft die Betroffenen und schliesst Unbeteiligte nicht ein. Es ist und stellt dar; was ist der Unterschied? Ist Leben ein Traum und Theater wirklich?Was ist Scheitern auf der Bühne, wo sind die Illusionen, die Ideale, die Idole? Bleiben zuletzt nur Ideen?Was sind wir heute und wo sind wir morgen? Die Zeit umschliesst und lässt Geschehen wahrnehmen; ein Abschnitt, ein Lebensausschnitt, Geschiche.

SO oder SO

Reitschule Bern (CH)

Ein absurd-komisches Stück Theater

Von und mit: Thomas Mettler und Jonathan Rufer

Konzept / Idee: Thomas Mettler
Künstl. Leitung: Nina Schneider
Licht: Urs Diethelm


Cultural Capital Thessaloniki

A Dance / Theatre / Music / Light Project In Empty Spaces. An Official Swiss Participaton For The Festival « Cultural Capital of Europe 1997 – Thessaloniki»

Idea and direction : Nina Schneider
Lighting : Pit Marquart
Dance: Karin Minger, Nina Schneider
Mime: Thomas Mettler
Actor: Stefan H. Kraft
Text montage: Daniel Rathgeb
Music: Christian Wolfarth

supported by PRO HELVETIA and
MIGROS Kulturprozent



For more information about the projects click on the locations.